Cloud Consulting & SI for Smart Building Software Company

The Review

They delivered the project on time and addressed all our needs.

Rafal Sojka - Principal Software Engineer, essensys

The Project

Cloud Consulting & SI for Smart Building Software Company

The Challenge

Scalability: The client’s existing on-premises infrastructure struggled to handle increasing data volumes and a growing customer base.

Integration: The software needed to integrate with diverse building systems and IoT devices, many of which used different protocols and standards.

Data Analytics: There was a need for advanced analytics to process large volumes of data in real-time to provide actionable insights.

Security: Ensuring the security of sensitive building data and maintaining compliance with industry regulations was paramount.

The Solution

Cloud Migration:
Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the existing infrastructure. Designed a cloud architecture using AWS (Amazon Web Services) to leverage its scalability, reliability, and security features. Migrated the application and data to AWS, ensuring minimal downtime and disruption.

Systems Integration:
Developed an integration layer using AWS IoT Core to connect various building systems and IoT devices. Utilized AWS Lambda for serverless computing to handle real-time data processing and integration tasks. Implemented API Gateway for secure and scalable communication between systems.

Data Analytics:
Leveraged AWS Kinesis for real-time data streaming and analytics. Used AWS Glue for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to prepare data for analysis. Implemented AWS Redshift for data warehousing and AWS QuickSight for data visualization and business intelligence.

Security and Compliance:
Implemented AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to resources. Used AWS CloudTrail and AWS Config for monitoring and compliance auditing. Ensured data encryption at rest and in transit using AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

Result & Feedback

Scalability: The new cloud infrastructure easily scales to accommodate growing data volumes and customer demands, reducing operational bottlenecks.

Integration: The flexible integration framework allows the software to connect with a wide range of building systems and IoT devices, enhancing its functionality.

Data Analytics: Real-time data processing and advanced analytics provide actionable insights, improving building efficiency and occupant satisfaction.

Security: Robust security measures and compliance controls ensure the protection of sensitive data and adherence to industry regulations.

Measurable Outcomes:

  • Number of failed AWS deployments reduced by 40%.
  • Delivery time of infrastructure changes reduced by 50%.
  • System uptime improved to 99.9%, minimizing service disruptions.

Project Management:

  • The project was delivered on time, and all client needs were addressed promptly.
  • The team maintained clear communication and provided regular updates throughout the project.

Primary Communication:

  • The primary form of communication with Hybytes was through in-person meetings, ensuring clarity and swift resolution of any issues.

Impressive and Unique Aspects:

  • Hybytes demonstrated an exceptional ability to understand and solve issues with minimal guidance.
  • Their proactive approach and expertise in cloud technologies ensured a seamless transition and integration process.

Further Improvement Suggestions:

  • Implement continuous improvement processes to further enhance system performance and security.
  • Explore the use of AI and machine learning to predict maintenance needs and optimize building operations.
  • Regularly review and update security protocols to stay ahead of emerging threats and compliance requirements.


  • Quality 4.5

  • Schedule 4.0

  • Cost 4.0

  • Willing to Refer 5.0

essensys is a leading global software and technology company designed to deliver digitally enabled spaces, buildings and portfolios.

Industry: Software Development
Location: London