- November 16, 2020
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API Integration is essential for communication between programs beguiled and demo realized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue cannot foresee. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled data structures manage data in the technology.
We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.
Robert Calibo
Did You Know What An Integration API Is? Find Out Now!
If you didn’t know what an integration API is, it could be that your company is falling behind. You may also be already using that type of tool, and you have not realized it. We are so used to the practicality and comfort that current technology provides us that we forget how things worked in the past.
Before delivery and route applications such as Google Maps and Waze, simple actions, such as ordering a pizza, for example, frequently included one more stage: having to explain to the delivery man how to get to your home. Today, all you have to do is fill in the data in the app, and the pizza arrives still warm at your door.
This example illustrates the advancement of technology and some possibilities achieved exclusively through the use of APIs. According to the Programmable Web directory report, the use of these tools has been growing every day. According to the description of the Programmable Web directory, that June 2019 reached the mark of 22,000 APIs, with a growth trend of 2,000 new APIs per year. Are you interested in learning more about this topic? So keep reading that in this article, we will clearly explain what API means, what an integration API is, and how that tool works.
So what is an integration API?
Before we see what an API is and how it works, let’s understand what it means. API is the acronym used for Application Programming Interface or, in Spanish, Application Programming Interface. It is a set of applications that allow the construction of an intelligent interface, configuring a means by which two systems communicate. This interface is responsible for the communications between the necessary resources for the excellent performance of the software.
In other words, APIs mediate communication between two systems or platforms. Like an interpreter, which makes communication between people who do not speak the same language viable, APIs enable the exchange of data between different systems, allowing their integration and operation. Now that you know what API means let’s dig a little deeper and understand the differences between what is Public or Open API and what is Private API.
Main differences between Public or Open APIs and Private APIs
It is possible to divide the APIs into two groups, the Public or Open APIs and the Private APIs. Understand that one model is not better than another but different. The choice will depend on the needs of each business. Then it will be up to each company to make inquiries and evaluate the possibilities available in the market.
What is Open or Public API?
They are APIs that any company or developer can use. The term “Public” or “Open” means that the API is only available to other companies and developers and not exclusively to the organization’s internal team that developed it. Regarding the cost, some are free, others have freemium plans and others, with a purchase option with a limit of use that works like a monthly credit system.
Some examples of Public APIs are:
- Google maps
- Trello
What is Private API?
Contrary to Public APIs, Private APIs are for the exclusive use of the organizations for which they were developed. These interfaces give access to internal systems and data of the companies. Therefore, they can only be accessed by their developers. They are most used in business environments, and their main functions are:
- Integrate internal systems
- Build new systems
- Increase productivity
- Integrate different sectors
- Optimize internal communication
Why should you use APIs?
The use of APIs can make a series of advantages viable, such as adding different functions to sites and applications. In this way, it is possible to offer new services and improve existing ones.
For example, using a payments API, you offer more security to your customers, which makes all the difference. When the issue is money, nobody likes to take risks, right? With this type of API, you can also avoid fraud and offer different payment methods. This is just one of the examples of APIs in a whole universe, where there are thousands of interfaces like this one, focused on the most diverse functions, such as:
- Issuance of Invoices
- Online business customization
- Product recommendation
- Marketing Automation
- Logistics
- And so many others
In addition, by integrating different systems, these tools guarantee a higher degree of efficiency since they can automate bureaucratic activities that would take much more time to be carried out manually. As opposed to developing their system from scratch, many companies end up choosing to adopt third-party APIs. This alternative tends to be simpler, more productive, and cheaper since it considerably reduces work and makes it possible to focus resources on more strategic activities.
Count on Us to help your business grow through an API strategy!
Now you know what API means and what an integration API is, you already have an excellent notion of the potential these tools can have for your company. If you are looking for a differential to offer your clients and, at the same time, you want to stand out from your competition, count on us!
With a partnership of more than 12 years with Google, We are recognized for the highest level of performance and expertise in Google Maps APIs. We develop solutions that allow us to use geolocation intelligence to improve integration between online and offline channels by integrating your system with the Google Maps API.
How does it work in practice? It allows the user to make online purchases and withdraw in a physical business or vice-versa. It will enable to dispatch of orders in an automated way. It makes it possible to control delivery in real-time, taking into account the characteristics of your company. It allows the creation of visit routes for internal teams that go to the field and many other possibilities!