
The market size of hyperautomation is speculated to amount to a whopping realized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue cannot foresee. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled data structures manage data in the technology.

We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.
Robert Calibo

What is hyper-automation, and how can it help your business?

What is the definition of hyper-automation?

Hyper-automation is the combination of automation technologies to drive automation at speed and scale. It is an effective way to accelerate end-to-end automation in your business.

The foundation of hyper-automation lies in technologies such as digital process automation (DPA) and robotic process automation (RPA) platforms. Hyper-automation extends its capabilities by combining them with intelligent technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), “machine learning,” and natural language processing.

Hyper-automation was the number one trend in the top 10 strategic technology trends. As many organizations seek to rapidly apply automation to adapt and unlock efficiencies in the wake of the global pandemic, it is proving to be true.

What is the difference between hyper-automation and intelligent automation?

The two terms have many similarities and are often used equally when talking about digital transformation. However, as an expert points out, “intelligent automation is just one aspect of hyper-automation technology like RPA, natural language processing, digital process automation, decision management structures, and infrastructure of smart business process management (iBPMS), among others. “

So think of hyper-automation as the application of intelligent automation at scale across the enterprise. It’s evident that much of the debate around hyper-automation centers on how to go beyond automating individual RPA bots to deliver end-to-end and enterprise automation.

How does hyper-automation support end-to-end automation?

Hyper-automation can offer end-to-end process automation rather than automating small processes or tasks in isolation through the deployment of RPA bots.

RPA can mimic human behavior, while AI can make intelligent data-driven decisions, and DPA platforms act as an orchestration layer. This means that some processes can become fully “autonomous,” with digital process automation platforms providing orchestration and automation between tasks automated by RPA robots.

“There is a lot of value in combining technologies like RPA and AI to provide cognitive bots – that is, robotics that can think smarter,” said Rob Koplowitz, Forrester Senior Vice President Analyst. “But the real value comes from that end-to-end process automation where you apply intelligence throughout the operation to get the best performance and best value. Then you can start looking at the data flows and intelligence across the entire process and not just specific robotics-related tasks within that. “

Can hyper-automation support process automation at scale?

Deploying automation at scale is often organizations’ primary goal once they have successfully automated one or more processes. The impact of an end-to-end process can be replicated in other methods, using the combination of technologies and the hyper-automation infrastructure to drive speed to scale.

Automate the entire company to improve efficiency and free employees from manual and repetitive tasks to focus on activities that add more value to the company. “Leaders in enterprise architecture and technology innovation lack a defined strategy to scale automation with strategic and tactical goals. They must deliver end-to-end automation beyond RPA, combining complementary technologies to augment business processes. Gartner calls this hyper-automation, ”according to the leading IT research firm.

Does hyper-automation favor citizen developers?

All members of the organization participate in the drive for transformation, making hyper-automation possible. Traditionally, the IT function was driving digital development and transformation, but today it is vital that the business also drives change. The two departments must be aligned to achieve transformation across the entire company.

Hyperautomation enables you to support business users who are trained to drive transformation on their own through the use of “Low-code” automation platforms, known as “citizen developers.” They can automate more knowledge work faster by enabling business users to have platforms that have intuitive features, such as drag-and-drop process modeling, APIs, and widgets ready to connect to intelligent technologies and do click-to-automate.

Including business users in the company’s transformation also helps the management of change since they can see and actively contribute to the project and its benefits through hyper-automation.

Can a center of excellence support hyper-automation?

A center of excellence (COE) is a vital component of any organization that wants to carry out digital transformation across its entire business. It can surely help hyper-automation by providing a central reference point and framework for users when it comes time to scale automation across the enterprise.

 A Center of Excellence can help reduce lead times by automating processes and reducing production costs. It helps ensure alignment around a common purpose by defining clear design principles and best practices while supporting continuous improvement once automated processes.

Where should I start with hyper-automation?

It is essential to define processes and create process models to help identify the current state of the organization’s operations and detect bottlenecks or areas for improvement before starting an automation project. These process models can also help you determine the best place, to begin with, hyper-automation.


That’s when you can automate these processes through digital process automation using a “Low-code” automation platform and orchestrate them with RPA bots and other intelligent technologies as a whole to drive hyper-automation. With the support of a Center of Excellence, automation can be scaled up across the enterprise once initial success has been achieved.

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