- November 16, 2020
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Today’s IT teams thrive in dynamic environments leveraging agile methodologies and demos realized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue cannot foresee. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled data structures manage data in the technology.
We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.
Robert Calibo
It Service Management: Combining Quality And Demand
The management of IT services combines quality with the business needs, as it seeks to optimize the way of managing the company’s technological resources. In addition to that, it can reduce costs in the long term once it verifies greater process efficiency and collaborates so that hardware and software work appropriately for longer.
IT service management is more focused on preventing the company’s needs than answering calls and providing technical support. In addition, it must be executed precisely to make calls less and less necessary and have a more preventive approach. It needs to ensure that the cases of provisioning and use of the systems respond effectively to the demands of the company, even in contingent situations.
Do you want to know how IT service management can benefit your business?
How does IT service management work?
IT service management observes that all the activities of a company are connected, needing to be managed using quality parameters and cost and time. This is important for them to be able to serve and surprise their internal and external clients.
This type of IT management also seeks to understand the expectations and needs of the user, seeking to find the most positive and efficient means of meeting them. In this way, it is far from being only a service sector-oriented to end-users, working so that the company is communicated regarding doubts, failures, difficulties, etc., that affect the productivity of those individuals.
This management goes a long way, encompassing operational, technical, and people management aspects. The service provider ceases to be reactive and becomes a priority in delivering more excellent added value to internal and external clients.
In other words, we can say that IT service management is intended to provide quality information technology processes and services. These must be aligned to the specific needs and demands of each company.
The goal, in a way, is long-term cost reduction. It also involves the search for the most appropriate and agile means to solve the company’s problems related to IT.
How does it relate to the business of the company?
The management of IT services enables the adoption of a position in what it says regarding the adequate attention of the needs of the companies. In this way, it provides an elevation in the perception of the delivery of value of the IT department for the venture.
This management also aims to allocate its available resources, especially technological ones, in a good way and manage them in an integrated way.
This can follow pre-established models or methodologies, such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). It helps to maintain the quality perceived by users about the delivery of IT services.
It also minimizes problems and collaborates for processes such as design, implementation, and management of internal processes in the IT sector based on its best practices. IT service management still cooperates to reduce or mitigate:
- Failure to comply with requirements;
- Security-related errors;
- Problems with untested applications;
- Failures related to backup routines;
- Bad modification/change management;
- Processing overhead in systems etc.
Working on these elements enables a significant improvement in the availability of the IT infrastructure, which contributes to the proper functioning of various systems and processes within the company.
It focuses on the idea that more and more business needs and purposes are linked to the services delivered by the IT area. Therefore, its practices seek to provide sufficient support so that such services are in harmony with the demands and specificities of the undertaking.
What are its main benefits?
Costs reduction
It is important to note that reducing costs with IT without good planning can cause problems for the organization, generating damages. Still, good management of IT services collaborates in the reduction of costs, such as the Total Cost of Properties (TCO) and the opportunity cost in the long term, even if it is necessary to maintain or increase investments.
Optimization of the team of collaborators
If the focus is specifically related to cost reduction, there is the possibility of hiring a company to provide care and management of IT services. In this way, you will be able to select, hire and train IT professionals (which is expensive) to focus on activities that add value to the company, leaving those more manual or straightforward functions for the outsourcing team.
Greater focus on core business
A preventive and efficient approach by IT service management can help the internal IT team keep its work focused on its core business. This prevents distractions and other small things from occurring that can interfere with decision-making and the establishment and execution of strategies.
In addition, in outsourcing, this can be potentiated because, as indicated above, your IT collaborators may be responsible for tasks related to the core business, as the outsourcing team centralizes in accessory activities.
More efficiency and credibility
Correct management of IT services helps reduce risks and problems in the processes covered by technology, increasing the efficiency with which they are carried out. Consequently, the IT team comes to enjoy greater credibility in the company.
If you opt for outsourcing, you will still be able to optimize that point since you will reduce problems with core business activities and accessories. In addition, you will save time with the research, development, and implementation of systems and other projects.
As seen, IT services management is essential to optimize operations and technological processes within the company. This is because he avoids failures, errors, losses, etc., that can generate stops in the activities or hinder the execution of tasks, thus preventing damages and rework. Then, it provides higher quality to the internal and external demands of the company related to technology.
Do you want to know how to optimize your IT service management? Get in touch with our team of professionals so that it is possible to help you.