
Every business is totally different so are their functions beguiled and demo realized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue cannot foresee. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammeled data structures manage data in the technology.

We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.
Robert Calibo

Why Does Your Company Need A Custom App?

Businesses are faced with the rise of digital transformation in all markets. Mobility plays a fundamental role since practically everyone, companies, and individuals, performs many of their tasks through smartphones. Do you know how many hours we spend on average with our mobile? More than two and a half hours a day. Incredible true? Well, your brand cannot miss the opportunity to be present on the device most used by users. But, do you know what other benefits an app can bring to your business?

Differentiate yourself from the competition

It is a fact that having an app positively influences the acquisition of customers and, therefore, the increase in sales of a company and being a great channel of communication and loyalty. But having an app for years has left something innovative. How do I differentiate myself from the competition? Custom apps are what you are looking for. A custom application is custom-made. Each of the screens, functionalities, and characteristics has been designed with only a specific project or company in mind. We know what each type of company needs based on its objectives, needs, and business model. Opting for the development of customized applications allows us to focus on these. On the other hand, standardized apps do not usually meet customer expectations as they cannot adapt to the specific requirements of each project.

What are the benefits of custom apps?

Custom Technology

Custom application development is tailored to the specific requirements of each project. Therefore, the choice of technology to use determines the success and quality of the project. Each technology has its advantages and limitations. For this reason, it is necessary to assess, depending on the complexity of each project, whether to use a hybrid or native development to obtain an appropriate value for money for the client. You also have to consider whether you want to integrate the app with other types of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Beacon connectivity, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, or Blockchain, among others.

Interface Design

Like technology, custom apps allow total flexibility when designing. Work must be done on the user experience, considering the project’s objective and the type of end-user. The interface of each of the screens, and the structure of the information. The personalized design ensures a good user experience, encourages retention, and enhances the brand image.


Custom projects allow working with scalable solutions, improving the profitability of the project. When we talk about giant projects requiring complex technologies and integrations with third parties, the best option is to phase the development through partial deliveries. In this way, an initial MVP allows the validation of the solution in the real market, and later on, applying the rest of the phases and thus minimizing associated risks.

Adapted Work Methodology

In tailor-made projects, transparency is a critical factor in transmitting peace of mind to the client. For this reason and, especially in the design and conceptualization phase of the project, the client is fully involved working together with our team. Thanks to this methodology, the client constantly receives partial deliveries to validate and test the product during the development phase.

Investment With Easy Amortization

Choosing a tailored product does not have to be synonymous with higher cost. The long-term benefits are more significant since the technology, the design, and the functionalities are specific to the project presented. So the advantages and profitability of the app are always more important than in a standardized app.


Custom applications allow total freedom when including other functionalities or programs. This integration is perfect for those companies that require different programs to carry out their work activity. With a single personalized app, you can cover all the areas necessary for the daily exercise of your team.

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